Monday, April 2, 2012

20th District State House Handouts

I have been recently accused by Mark Purcell to be part of the 'conspiracy' because I questioned some of his opinions (or as he called them facts) about the 20th State House race in regards to the candidacy of Dave Schuilenburg.

I generally don't endorse candidates for office, but those that read my blog know that I do generally stick up for Democrats that are currently elected. I let Mr. Purcell know via email when he announced his interest to run again for State House that I thought it would be tough for anyone to beat Ravenstahl no matter what the map looked like. Simply put, Adam Ravenstahl has good name recognition and I believe that Ravensthal hasn't made any mis-steps as a State Representative.

So with hopes of not being accused of being part of the 'conspiracy' that is out to get Mr. Purcell here is some literature from Adam Ravenstahl and Mark Purcell.

I will of course be accused of my bias for Mr. Ravenstahl, but I have some real issues as a progressive Democrat (that supports public education) with a plan to eliminate property taxes. It may sound impressive on the campaign trail, but we have to make up that revenue somewhere. It sounds very Tea Party like.

The concept that the government can just clean up 'waste' to save money and it doesn't cost more is a misnomer that I have argued with conservatives about before. I believe that it would cost a lot of tax payer dollars to clean up welfare abuse. So I think it would be spending bad money for a net loss.

I agree that we need more moderate politicians on both sides to tackle the tough problems. However, that is a tough sell in Primary Election.

I find it ironic that someone that brags about their 20 years as a local elected official now wants to tell everyone that we need term limits and limit everyone's service to 8 years.

I agree with Mr. Ravenstahl about the size of the legislature, but also worry that it will make it harder for a grass-roots candidate to win a seat in the legislature.

Glad to see he voted against Marcellus Shale legislation and is making it part of his campaign.

Not that impressed by a legislator that shows up, that is their job.

Let the 'conspiracy' continue!


matthewsstar said...

Make sure to start preparing for your open house at least one month before planned occurrence. This will make sure you have enough time to arrange everything engaged.

Property Management

Anonymous said...

Is this guy really trying to run as a Democrat? He is all over the place on issues.