Monday, February 25, 2013

Former Republican Craig Stephens for Judge

This should be the first in a series of posts about the judge candidates. I have been sent a bunch of handouts and mail that the judge candidates have been sending out to the Allegheny County Democratic Committee.

I was told once by a Republican that changed parties just to run for judge that 'you can't be elected a judge in Allegheny County if you aren't a Democrat.' As far as I can remember, this is a pretty true statement unless a Republican judge candidate can spend a boatload of money or participate in some some dirty politics.

So the Allegheny County Democratic Committee should be wary of candidates that ask for their endorsement that might just have switched over from the Republican party just to win. I have heard that at least 2 of the candidates going for the Democratic Endorsement this year are former Republicans. I am working on verification of one of them, but Craig Stephens is a former Republican for sure. He wasn't just a average Republican though. Mr. Stephens ran for Congress against Congressman Mike Doyle in 1998 (He lost the GOP Primary) and 2000.

I know it has been a few years and some people can truly change politically and even get involved with the Democratic Committee as Mr. Stephens has. According to the Allegheny County Division of Elections, Mr. Stephens changed his party registration in 2008. However, I think the Democratic Committee should at least think twice before supporting a someone that has openly been against abortion rights and further gun-control legislation just a few years ago.

Here is some mail and handouts from Mr. Stephens:

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